Jiangsu launches 84 new drugs for market sales

2023-06-08 14:13:05来源:ourjiangsu.com


East China’s Jiangsu province has launched 84 new drugs for market sales from January to April, continuing to take the lead in the country. Let’s take a close look.

The tetravalent influenza virus Subunit vaccine developed and produced by Jiangsu Taizhou Pharmaceutical Enterprises has been approved for marketing and will be launched in several provinces and cities in the near future.

This vaccine can simultaneously prevent four types of influenza viruses, not only filling the gap in advanced influenza vaccines in China, but also lifting China"s vaccine innovation technology to a new height.

“In March, China recorded 3.72 million cases of influenza, and the development of a safer and more efficient vaccine that targets multiple influenza virus infections has a huge market demand”, Zhao Guojun, Deputy General Manager of Jiangsu Zhonghui Yuantong Biotechnology Co., Ltd., said.

Since the beginning of this year, Jiangsu has continued to step up its support for collaborative innovation and key technological breakthroughs in biopharmaceuticals by continuously enhancing the advantages of the biopharmaceutical industry cluster, and promoting the commercialization and production of leading so as to drive and penetrate major scientific and technological achievements.

At present, Jiangsu has recorded 4 collaborative innovation projects in the biopharmaceutical industry chain that have received national funding support, and 5 key technology research projects in the biopharmaceutical field that have received provincial special funding support.

Innovative drugs, including Zhonghui Yuantong tetravalent influenza virus Subunit vaccine, and Shenghe Pharmaceutical"s new anti hepatitis C drug Orfobuvir tablet, were approved for marketing.

Driven by strong innovation, Jiangsu recorded a 4.4% growth in the added value of the pharmaceutical industry from January to April.


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